
Get to know our universe!

THE BLONDE PLUTOZ - Rivqua and Zana. Sisters developed from the same genetic source. Both successfully wombed in the trusty GI-702 incubator at the Megatopian government labs as part of that planet's now defunct Excellent Genetics Project. Songwriters, singers and performers the two of them. Rivqua is the older of the two and of a touch more patient and analytical disposition than the younger, Zana, occasionally less in possession of such touches. Supreme talents notwithstanding, their combination of traits and skills persistently land them in trouble. If not with their evil record company then pretty much everywhere else in the galaxy where their musical adventures take them.

THE BANDROIDS - the Blonde Plutoz' robot band. Metro on the drums, Keebo on the synths, Fuzz on the axe and Basix on, what else, the bass. There is something inexplicably peculiar about how musicians all over the galaxy, whether sapien, alien, holographic, robotic or ethereal - are so similar. Must be a divine joke underlying the universal gift of music.

TRUCK - a solidly built female of the race of abominable snowmen. She's strong as an ox, covered in unruly white fur, wears rose-tinted John Lennon-shades and mixes sound like nobody's business. Her life would be a whole lot easier if the Bandroids were not quite so, well, musician-like.

SIR MORRIS - a Megatopian jungle cat. Formerly the respected and influential high-brow Minister of Culture in Megatopia City. Forced by an improbable series of unfortunate events not only to discover the Blonde Plutoz, but hire them for an ill-conceived cultural assignment. After which things deteriorated and he was bamboozled, as he calls it, into becoming the rock band's manager.

CAPTAIN BUCKET - the autopilot on Blonde Plutoz' interstellar tour ship, the well-traveled M.I.S. Star Bucket. The Captain is a voice in the ship's system but no less a character for that. He is like a snobbish, unwilling country butler who's been in service too long and landing a position flying a rock band's spaceship is just the last straw. Masks his occasional cowardice with concern for regulations and propriety.

OPUS MOGG - President of Superverse Inc., the ruthless entertainment conglomerate that claims to own the Blonde Plutoz and everything about them, down to their very bodies. Mogg is slick slimy toad and greedy ferocious t-rex all rolled into one, with the polish of a mighty godfather.

SPYKE - Mogg's equally cold-blooded A&R man. A shady little lizard who loves the front and power of the bigtime music biz. Throws his weight around the circuit and believes himself to have the ear for the 'next big thing', although his ear has yet to make a single accurate hit. Never gets the irony of strutting around in pimpy suits of dinosaur hide.

MAJOR BOOTS - a 3D computerized infantrywoman who dwells in a video wargame. A massive, two-legged killing machine, armed and armoured beyond the hilt. Opus Mogg has her extracted out of the video game and into reality for the single purpose of hunting down the wayward Blonde Plutoz wherever in the galaxy they may be, by any means necessary. A mission fraught with some difficulty for Major Boots as reality behaves differently than the video game world.

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