
A rock band from across the galaxy. Driven by personal integrity and a quest for artistic freedom they dared escape an industry gone mad. Now, light years away from home and one raging media mogul, one shortcut through this solar system, one cosmic storm and one crash-landing later - they're here.

Clue up on backstory:

Anyone of you good aliens familiar with Orion? Sure you are. That famous Orion star constellation known as the Hunter. What about a little planet called Megatopia? Probably not. It is the Hunter's tummy button. Rarely seen because Orion's belt covers it.

Once upon a time the government of Megatopia got it in their heads to carry out a huge genetics project. An entire generation of super-children were to be artificially created. Brilliant young minds and talents that would secure the planet's future in an increasingly competitive galaxy. However, the project was considered a mediocre success, because the children turned out quite normal.

Among the exceptional few were two lovely sisters, Rivqua and Zana.

Rivvie and Zana were sent to a dinosaur farm run by a powerful lady called Grandma Blonde. It was good growing up there. The sisters loved the hard work and the great atmosphere. Grizzled farm hands played music long into the balmy nights. The girls joined in with the old gals and fellers, birthing a serious music bug. They learnt to play and sing. Soon they were putting on shows in the barn.

Time passed. Things changed. The glittering, hectic world of Megatopia City beckoned. Before they knew it, Rivqua and Zana were rising stars in the capital's music scene. Grandma Blonde and Pluto, their pet plutosaurus, remained forever in their hearts and the girls called themselves the Blonde Plutoz.

Music biz success is a two-edged sword - for female artists especially. Long story short, to escape the clutches of evil media mogul Opus Mogg and his increasingly not-okay demands, the girls took off on an independent tour across the galaxy.

During a shortcut through this solar system their spaceship was damaged by a cosmic storm. The Blonde Plutoz had to make a forced landing on the nearest possible planet, the third one from the Sun.


Point of impact: Stockholm, Sweden.

While the Star Bucket is being repaired (it'll take time) the Blonde Plutoz are making a new home here, writing songs and playing gigs in the beautiful Swedish capital, either as an acoustic duo or backed by their Bandroids. And very much hoping they're off the radar from Opus Mogg who has vowed to scour the galaxy for the Blonde Plutoz and return them to Megatopia.

The music is fresh future-pop-rock loved by aliens across the galaxy.

Welcome to the great sound and the exciting universe of the Blonde Plutoz!

Love and nose pinches, Rivqua and Zana.


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