Saturday 5 December 2015

GALAXY TOUR ADVENTURES - "The Grand Residency" - 76

At the bank the largely built female owl sat in her managerial office, speaking on the phone.
   "I understand. Yes, I will see to it immediately. Good day." She ended the conversation and clicked up her keyboard. She went on with a mutter, "Actually, I don't understand. Oh well. There must be a reason. Good or not is not mine to know or judge."
   Not far away the Blonde Plutoz were sifting through articles of clothing in the racks of a phenomenal fashion store. This place has its own style, they agreed. And a lot of it is just too cool to walk away from.
   Old music drifted through the air, very Vague-Assy with lots of brass and strings and corny words. Whether it inspired shopping so much as lend historical atmosphere Rivqua couldn't really tell. Still, it made a change from having your system pummeled by relentless electronica.
   The clash though, was unavoidable. Zana held up a modern garment for her sister's approval. A leather jacket that featured solar panels, network connection, heat absorbing lining and good old shoulder pads. It was the colour and metal details that made it stand out. Diodes all along the main seams and the small upper-arm video screens helped.
   "I love that!" said Rivqua. Zana thought she would and added it to the pile over her arm and threw another one over. "Here's yours."
   "Well, this ought to do it, don't you think?" Rivqua said after going through her collection a final time. Zana looked around with a nod. Her arm ached.
   The girl at the checkout was just a really pretty synthetic head suspended from the ceiling, along with telescopic arms doing the detagging and folding and sliding effortlessly into bags. The lovely head ran up the sum and smiled with teeth that stung the eyes.
   "Wouldn't call it a steal, but okay," Zana said and ran her card over the reader. A red light came on.
   "Sorry. Your card isn't valid. Would you like to join our members' club? It's free." In Toss Vague-Ass everybody just smiles, the robots more so than others.
   "What do you mean, not valid? We were just handed these! From the manager of the Grand Galactica. The big shiny place just down the road."
   "Let me try again, Miss." The beautiful eyes went to the reader, like a gesture for the benefit of the customer. Zana ran the card once more. "No. I'm sorry. The card is not valid. It doesn't exist in any system on the planet. Do you have any other card?"
   A phone rang. Rivqua grabbed around for hers. "Hello!"
   The voice on the other end was again familiar. "Listen, I'm glad I caught you. Where are you?"
   "We're shopping. Or trying to. What can we do for you, Inspector?"
   "This time it's Luffy Bing."
   "What do you mean?"
   "What do you mean, what do I mean? He's dead! Stay where you are, I'll come pick you up. You're needed down at the morgue for an ID. You were the last to see him. Funny, this habit you two have."