Tuesday 3 November 2015

GALAXY TOUR ADVENTURES - "The Grand Residency" - 74

The Blonde Plutoz entered the office of the chairman, president, CEO, head honcho, top brass knob of the Grand Galactica hotel. The office looked exactly the same as it had done the day of the murder of Fadda Bing. A wrap-around of rich wood paneling and tall windows that overlooked the entire city, splashes of green leather, acres of crimson rug and a massive desk.
   Except the dead body behind the desk was now replaced with a living one in a fine suit, looking painfully busy and oozing out power and charisma.
   "Glad to see you," he said without looking up. "Be brief will you."
   Rivqua cleared her throat. "We're the Blonde Plutoz, your artist in residence in the ballroom."
   "Like I said, glad to see you," he repeated, eyes still down, scanning documents and crossing things out, making swift notes in margins. "Anything else?"
   "We were here when Mister Fadda Bing breathed his last."
   "Can't have been very pleasant."
   "Quite a dramatic welcome to the Grand."
   "A memorable incident to include in our memoirs," said Zana.
   The big alien looked up at the girls and sighed, like his time was being wasted.
   "I'm Fadda's brother, Luffy Bing. Pleased to meet you. You're doing well downstairs I hear. Good. Keep it up." He went back to the paperwork.
   "We had no idea he had any kin. Nor did the police."
   "Well, surprise, surprise. Look, I'm sorry about my brother's passing. But what's happened has happened and now I'm here and we're going to get things on a roll. You're doing so well and all shows for the next fortnight are sold out so, as a token of our appreciation, how about a ten percent raise starting tonight?"
   He said all this without looking up. Rivqua and Zana stared at him, speechless.
   "I'll take that as a yes. By the way, what's-her-name out there has your new cards, all loaded up. Go out and enjoy yourselves."
   Outside, the secretary bot listened in at the door. She hurried back to her desk as the Blonde Plutoz emerged, looking stunned. They closed the door behind them and just stood there for a second.
   The robot approached them with a smile and held out two envelopes. "Your patience has been rewarded."
   The girls took them and moved slowly to the elevator. The secretary clasped her hands in satisfaction and watched them walk away, then turned towards the big dark door again. Her face had a strange look of doubt about it. A cold, confident kind of doubt. Like a huge lump of ice considering a tiny matchstick.

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