Wednesday 14 October 2015

GALAXY TOUR ADVENTURES - "The Grand Residency" - 72

Fadda Bing was dead. Rivqua and Zana has seen it for themselves, in full colour, practically smelled it, up there in the penthouse office when they arrived. Even the detective inspector has seen it and confirmed it, with both his heads. Heck, he'd even interrogated the girls about it. And Mister Bing's secretary, the old-lady-like robot had certainly registered it.
   Yet, there he jolly well sat now, Fadda Bing, at the round table close to the stage, looking alive and well among the other Vague-Ass business hotshots enjoying a night out.
   The Blonde Plutoz got through the show in focused fashion, including a two-song encore and finally disappeared down the floor the same way they appeared, leaving the ecstatic crowds to return to earth under the pale, sobering house lights.
   "I can't believe it!" Zana cried. "Was it really him?"
   "There's only one way to find out, come on!" said Rivqua as they jumped off the still descending platform. Mister Wizzbipp wondered what was going on as he watched them hurry off, his hands on the controls.
   The girls ran up the stairs and entered the ballroom from a side door. The crowds were dispersing in no real hurry, chatting and grabbing their furs, downing the last of their drinks. Some headed over to the casino to complete the evening. The group of businessmen were on their feet, talking, laughing away, wiping foreheads. There seemed to be more of them now.
   "Excuse me!" Rivqua said, coming up. "Gentlemen!"
   The suits turned and stared at the evening's entertainment approaching in person.
   "Hey!" one cried and reached for a pen and something to write on. "This is what I call customer service! We gotta tell you, you guys were great! Would you please?"
   "Thanks," said Rivqua, jotting down her autograph, "We couldn't help noticing a familiar face at this table."
   "Really?" the guy said with a grin at the others, hoping she meant him.
   "I can't see him now," Zana said, scanning the nearby crowd.
   The guy frowned. "See who?"
   Rivqua handed the pen and paper over. "Mister Bing. That was Mister Bing, right? Sitting with you guys?"
   "Sure was. Guess he was sitting down because he's not much of a dancer."
   The others laughed with him. One of them explained, "He had to leave quickly, sorry."
   "Anything we can help you with?" asked the first.
   Rivqua and Zana stared at one another. This was making no sense at all.

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