Friday 14 August 2015

GALAXY TOUR ADVENTURES - "The Grand Residency" - 68

   "There's no need to look at me," the robot said. "I don't know how this happened. We pride ourselves in a carefully structured and departmentalized organisation."
   "This place has bigger holes than a fishnet stocking," snapped the inspector. He looked back at the tech person. "The word's all over the floor, huh? Speakin' of which, you wouldn't happen to have seen Hoot Gaas have you?"
   "No, not since yesterday," replied Mister Wizzbipp, apparently unaware anything was amiss. "But then I don't see him all that often. He's always up in the control room." Wizzbipp turned back to the girls and pleaded, "Please, it cannot be true. Why do you want to leave? You had a big crowd last night. Everybody I know is talking about you. What is it, are we not doing a good job? Something wrong with the stage, the equipment not working properly? We'll fix it, whatever it is. By tonight. I promise."
   "No no," said Zana. "It's not that at all. The stage is fine, we love it. You guys, the staff, you're great. No, this is more of a business related problem. Nothing to do with you."
   The alien technician's shoulders fell and his face sunk. "So there's nothing we can do. You're leaving the Grand. We'll be out of work for a while then."
   "Two to three weeks most likely, until we get another act booked," informed the secretary bot. "Can't be just anyone, you understand. The Grand does require some stature and established position from their artists. Even during off-season."
   Wizzbipp's wife approached and put a gentle hand on her husband's shoulder. "Come on, we must go. You tried, dear. There's nothing more we can do."
   Rivqua and Zana began to feel uneasy. Something wasn't right here.
   "Thank you, Mister Wizzbipp," said the bot with impatience. "You will be contacted."
   All of a sudden one of the children ran up to Zana and hugged her leg tight. "No! You mustn't leave!"
   "Flippine!" exclaimed the mother, reaching for her.
   The little purple girl refused to let go. She looked up at Zana, tears streaming down her face. "Please stay and play! Don't go! You mustn't! Don't you see? You have to stay and play!"
   Rivqua knelt down. She signaled to the mother that it was okay and smiled at the upset child. She stroked her wet cheek and said, "Flippine's a lovely name. Tell me, why do we need to stay and play?"

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