Friday 31 July 2015

GALAXY TOUR ADVENTURES - "The Grand Residency" - 65

The elevator pinged and the two girls marched out and up to Fadda Bing's private reception area.
   "Inspector," said Zana with a cool nod, and dropped a cooler one to the secretary bot, "Miss."
   The robot stood up behind her desk and was about to introduce them even though they'd already met. The detective cut her short.
   "So, Fadda Bing dead, Mister Hoot Gaas gone. What's your take on this little collection of incidents, eh ladies? Got anything you'd like to say to me?" Fists firmly to his waist he bore down on them with sharp eyes. Both pairs. " 'Cause now'd be a right good time."
   "This is one crazy gig," Zana replied. "We got that to say. That's our take."
   "And that's the reason we're going to take off," Rivqua said, adding, with a look at the robot, "Formal cancelation should be coming through any minute."
   "I see," said the secretary, tilting her head with a jerk to mark offense. "Your manager has advised you to leave."
   "Yes. For reasons we all know very well and don't need to go into yet again. It's getting tiresomely repetitive around here."
   "Hold up," said the detective. He threw an eye at the bot lady. "This the money matter you were talkin' about?" She nodded in reply. The two girls rolled their eyes.
   "There's no crime involved here," said Zana. "At least not on our part."
   The detective's two heads turned to the secretary. "What does she mean by that? Have you got something to say?"
   The bot slammed a hand on the desk. "We're not guilty of any crime! The Grand Galactica cannot release pay to these artists because both Mister Bing and Gaas are not here to sign for it! Those are the rules, everybody abides by them, including the bank, and up till now they have worked flawlessly." While she spoke a soft bell rang out, indicating the arrival of mail in her computer.
   Shoulders rocking with laughter, the detective burst out, "Welcome to Toss Vague-Ass, ladies! Have you two rock people never heard the expression 'the check's in the mail?' "
   "No it isn't," said the bot.
   "The check's not in the mail. We don't do that anymore."
   The cop stared at the robot, before smiling back at the girls in full stereo. "Did I say welcome to Toss Vague-Ass? I did, didn't I!"

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