Friday 17 July 2015

GALAXY TOUR ADVENTURES - "The Grand Residency" - 61

Rivqua paced around the hotel room, stopping by the window at every lap for a look at the view. But the only far-reaching landscape her eyes could see was the disastrous situation they found themselves in. They had walked right into it, in good faith, which is the way one usually walks into disasters.
   Actually it was Sir Morris who had instructed them to walk into it. Having set up the deal and prepped the ground for them like any good manager - acting in good faith - is supposed to do. And that faith should have paid off, this being the Grand Galactica and all, centrepiece of the entertainment hot spot known all over the quadrants as Toss Vague-Ass.
   Right now Sir Morris was on speaker phone, in a moment's silence, thinking. Zana lay on the bed with a pillow over her head. She was singing quietly to keep her brain from overheating. One of their early songs. It helped a bit. Brought back memories of a simpler time, playing clubs in Megatopia City for a percentage of the door and an okay meal. How reliable and secure that seemed now.
   "Get out of there as soon as possible!" hollered Sir Morris, shattering the silence. "This is a total breach of contract! I'm shocked! You can't put on a show without being paid! Who knows how long these various managers remain absent, either by death or some sudden impetus to go fishing or whatnot. And the bank? I've never heard of such a rigid system. Dried concrete is more flexible!"
   "We're going to let a whole lot of fans down," Zana squeezed in before the second bridge.
   "And there's the state of the Star Bucket, don't forget," said Rivqua from the window. "We were supposed to get her repaired."
   "There's a fleet facility four hours north of Toss Vague-Ass," Sir Morris replied. "She'll make it there all right. I know the base commander. I'll see about a getting you an unplugged show for the crews, help the process along. I'm sorry, we have no other option."
   "I better go find the three furries," said Zana with a sigh and sat up. She flung the pillow across the room. "Give them an exclusive."
   "Oh no," Rivqua said, covering her face in dismay. "We promised to take them backstage tonight. They'll be devastated."
   "Start packing you two," said Sir Morris and rang off.

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