Monday 29 June 2015

GALAXY TOUR ADVENTURES - "The Grand Residency" - 58

The owl lady slipped the tablet back into some pocket beneath her feathers and crossed her arms. She smiled with a mix of concern and satisfaction.
   "No funds."
   The girls gaped.
   "What do you mean no funds?" Zana cried.
   "The place was packed last night!" Rivqua said. "And from what we could see, the casino was doing roaring business as well!"
   "Hoot Gaas oversees the transfer of last night's takings personally," explained the big lady. "Together we split everything up into various accounts and investments. Alas, no money has been transferred in the last twenty-four hours. As far as you're concerned, we're stuck with an empty bowl."
   She began tapping her chin, looking off in thought. "If this keeps up, however, we could be facing a grave situation, a problem of considerable magnitude. A potentially catastrophic circumstance." She wasn't talking about the Blonde Plutoz.
   The girls stared at her.
   "So, no advance," Rivqua said, summarizing the hopelessness.
   "Not possible, I'm sorry."
   "And you can't do credit."
   "Perish the word."
   "How about a short-term loan then, say till next week?" Zana ventured.
   "Do you have any security? Apart from a spaceship in grave disrepair?"
  The girls sighed and exchanged resigned looks, aching with irritation.
   "We got eight weeks of this?"

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