Wednesday 24 June 2015

GALAXY TOUR ADVENTURES - "The Grand Residency" - 56

The bank manager continued, "As I recall, Hoot Gaas, in the capacity of second-in-command of entertainment at the Grand Galactica, is able to sign for artists' salaries in the event of Fadda Bing's absence. Alas, for reasons unbeknownst to us at present, Mister Gaas has taken on the manner of an absentee himself." She opened her hands in a vacant gesture. "Which leads me to a second problem."
   "There's two problems now?" Rivqua asked.
   "Give her another minute and there'll be three," Zana mumbled.
   The banking owl went on, "And that is, we simply have nobody authorized to sign for artists' salaries. And since you are the artists in question, I'm sorry to say, my hands are tied. There's nothing I can-"
   "There's nothing you can do," Zana interrupted, finishing her sentence, and gave her sister a dry glance. "Sounds just like banking to me."
   "We understand each other!" said the feathered lady. "I am relieved. Well then, I imagine that settles our business. I bid you good day."
   "Wait!" Zana shouted, stopping the big owl mid-turn. "This won't do, okay? Not one bit! We didn't bump Fadda Bing off! Nor did we cause Hoot Gaas to vanish! We're here, in Toss Vague-Ass, booked to play the Grand Galactica. We started last night, and today we get an advance payment! From you!"
   "Don't point, dear. I'm older and heavier than you, and your bracelets rattle most furiously. Ooh, my delicate ears."
   Rivqua sang out, "Going off topic, Ma'am!"

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