Friday 12 June 2015

GALAXY TOUR ADVENTURES - "The Grand Residency" - 51

   "The police detective would love to hear this," Rivqua said. "You wouldn't happen to have like, a favourite suspect?"
   "Of course not! They're all favourites. In fact, most of them are customers."
   "Come on, you said we're speaking off the record," Zana pursued, also dropping her voice. "You can tell us. Who's the most favourite of the favourites?"
   "I cannot pass out information on my customers, nor issue any personal opinions, especially not about my most important customers."
   "So the favourite ones are the most important ones?" Rivqua said.
   The owl lady threw out her big feathered arms. "This is banking!"
   "Okay," Rivqua sighed and dropped the investigative line. "Then there's the issue about money."
   "I registered that, but before we go there let me hear the other news. You told me the first news, which was bad, officially. Now give me the second, which statistically should be good. Officially. The first explains why and where Hoot Gaas is detained, he's preoccupied with the clearing up of this grisly incident to remember our business meeting. Mystery solved."
   "Well no, you see, Ma'am, the second thing is, Hoot Gaas is not back at the Grand clearing up the 'incident'. He has gone missing. No one has seen him or heard from him. His secretary doesn't know, nobody knows."
   "Missing? Since when?"
   "Yesterday afternoon," Zana said. "He popped in on our sound check, where he got the call about Fadda Bing. He seemed distraught by the news and returned to the control room."
   "Or so we thought," added Rivqua. "Somewhere around there he appears to have vanished. And has not been seen anywhere in the Grand since."
   Zana said, with a knowing wink, "I'll bet the police detective's got a favourite suspect of his own now."

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