Wednesday 10 June 2015

GALAXY TOUR ADVENTURES - "The Grand Residency" - 50

Again Rivqua and Zana exchanged looks. The moment felt all too familiar. Like they were repeating a role they hadn't asked to play in the first place. Bringers of sad tidings.
   "Ma'am, first we have some bad news," Rivqua began. "And it's about Fadda Bing. He's dead."
   "Bumped off, good and proper," Zana added with a 'go figure' kind of shrug. "I remember it like it was yesterday. It was yesterday actually."
   The girls stared at the owl-lady, waiting for a reaction, bracing themselves in case she would react like Hoot Gaas did and bounce herself off the floor like a rubber ball. She had the shape to pull the stunt off comfortably. But she didn't. Instead, she took this information in for a blank second, then took a deep thoughtful breath and stood as if she were at the head of a conference table with a firm opinion about things. She cleared her throat.
   "Speaking officially, I'm obliged to say that is very unfortunate. Yesterday, eh? Dead how?"
   The bank manager chuckled, sending a wobble through her feathers.
   "It was."
   "Now, speaking off the record," owl woman continued and lowered her voice as if amused by the whole thing, "I can't say I'm surprised. The man had a knack for creating enemies in this town. The backs he stabbed to make the Grand Galactica the centre point of Toss Vague-Ass, all the arms he twisted, ligaments he snapped, beaks he bent, I tell you they're too many to count."
   "Really?" Rivqua said, getting interested. "So you're saying there could be several suspects?"

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