Friday 8 May 2015

GALAXY TOUR ADVENTURES - "The Grand Residency" - 39

   "First, set list has been distributed to all relevant parties. Second, Hoot Gaas is not here. He is to be found absolutely nowhere. I reason therefore that his current location is too far removed to be of practical use to us here tonight."
   "Okay Keebo, thanks," Zana said and gave Rivqua a hopeless shrug. "I guess we'll just introduce ourselves then. It's not like we haven't done that before."
   Rivqua nodded. She was on the phone to the control deck. "It'll be fine, sir. Truck will bring the house lights down and we'll go in cold. With a hot number. And do an introduction after that. In the meanwhile we'll just hope Mister Gaas shows up, with his phenomenal eyesight and all. Not for the show so much. More for your peace of mind. Quite right, sir. I'm sure there's a perfectly reasonable explanation for all this. Tell Truck four minutes from now. Exactly."
   She hung up. Keebo and his three bandmates stood in the doorway. They were fully charged up, warmed up and ready to go. Zana coughed from inside a cloud of hairspray and stood up, fanning her hair, blinking some sting out. "Let's do it."
   A stage hand popped her head in from the corridor. "Nice turn-out tonight. You guys ready? Follow me. I know you know the way. I'm strictly an insurance requirement. I swear, sometimes I feel like a lifeboat on a dry lakebed."
   "Has Hoot Gaas ever disappeared like this before?" Zana asked, tuning her guitar as they walked.
   "So we're witnessing a Grand Galactica anomaly tonight," Rivqua said.
   Rivqua and Zana exchanged a glance. Zana asked, "Happen often?"
   "Anomalies? Anomaly is Toss Vague-Ass's second name."
   "Copy that."

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