Wednesday 6 May 2015

GALAXY TOUR ADVENTURES - "The Grand Residency" - 38

   "Set list's on its way," said Rivqua and held the door for Zana. Truck gestured familiar disbelief and the Blonde Plutoz headed down the control deck stairs.
   "So what about Hoot Gass, eh?" Zana said.
   "Delegating duties clearly isn't his strong suit."
   "He goes off schedule for a bit and everybody panics. At least fish guy has."
   "The poor fellow can't delegate, that's the problem. He has to pass on some of the workload and trust to his staff. Like to that fish guy. What's needed is a management course. I'll slip that into the suggestion box."
   "Good idea. Ah, Keebo my lad. Come with us."
   The girls picked up their keyboard player on the way. They all popped into the dressing room. As the girls changed and got going with hair and faces they dictated a set list to the android. Keebo stood by the door, eyes to the ceiling, going, "Mhm. Mhm. Right. Good choice. Mhm. What? Haven't done that one in ages. Very well. Mhm." And so on.
   Finally Zana said, "Got that? Happy with that? Good, make sure Truck gets it asap and don't forget Metro, Basix and Fuzz. Where are they, by the way?"
   "They're working on their own set list."
   "You don't say. Well, this one supersedes theirs and you be sure to tell them."
   "With pleasure. Their set lists suck as a matter of routine."
   "And see if you can't find that Hoot Gaas guy," Rivqua told him." He's got to be somewhere nearby. He's introducing us. Fadda Bing may have died but the show must go on. Mister Gaas would stand by that sentiment, I'm pretty sure."
   "I'll ask him when I see him. Which I haven't. Okay, I'll go take a look around."
   Keebo left the girls to finish dolling up.

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