Wednesday 20 May 2015

GALAXY TOUR ADVENTURES - "The Grand Residency" - 42

   "Time to get on," the stage hand said with the firmness of a preschool teacher and gave the Blonde Plutoz a little push. She checked the seconds on the video screen on her wrist. It carried the live feed from the camera in the back of the ballroom.
   The room darkened. "And here go the lights! Get ready."
   "Is there a button we're supposed to push?" Zana asked, searching.
   "No, I control it right here."
   "Could you check tomorrow's weather forecast while you're at it?"
   The stage hand laughed, eyes on her small screen. "Maybe later."
   Above their heads Metro kicked a beat into motion.
   "Here we go," Rivqua said, working herself up. The first song was a stomper. Picked heart rates up, got feet going and Metro opened it clean and hard.
   The stage hand tapped her little screen and ran off the steps like a flight controller.
   "Curtains, open. Activating lighting rig." Almost with an audible crack pulsating light kicked down through the square hole above their heads. "Prepare for launch!"
   The small platform jerked into motion and began to rise.
   "All systems go," muttered Zana and adjusted her headset. The girls exchanged silent nods, time to open the mikes up.
   "Gotcha," Truck's voice calmly confirmed in their ears. The blinding rectangle above them grew in size. The drumbeat swelled in clarity and volume. Bathed in light they approached the stage floor. For a ballroom audience in tuxes and dresses they made a surprising amount of noise out there.
   Keebo, Fuzz and Basix came in right on cue and the full intro was up and running. Rivqua and Zana rose up out of the stage, into another world, the one they knew best and loved the most.

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