Wednesday 13 May 2015

GALAXY TOUR ADVENTURES - "The Grand Residency" - 40

A ten-second walk from the dressing-room and they pulled up by the side of the stage. Zana peeked out between the drapes.
   "The curtains are drawn," she said in surprise.
   "Feels like community theatre," Rivqua said. Her eyes caught a tech's monitor showing a view of the stage from out in the ballroom. A cluster of spots streaked across the red curtains. The Grand Galactica animated logo floated about over the fabric, the letters and the tower building themselves up over and over again. Crooner music played softly under the murmur of the crowd.
   "There goes our cred," Zana said, "spinning out of the sky in flames."
   "It's the same for everybody, no matter who's on," said the stage hand, laughing. "Variety acts love the traditional build-up. Grungers and volcano bands on the other hand just pop anti-depressants. Don't worry, it's all down to what kind of entrance you make, so if the band would like to take their places, I'll show you two something cool."
   Zana told the Bandroids to start the first song after the lights go down, and vamp the intro until she and Rivqua gave the obvious cue. "And don't trip up on the way now!"
   "Forgetting we got night vision and sensors?" said Keebo as the four of them headed out onto the dark stage.
   Each of the musician's podiums were down to a couple feet off the floor. Hardly a problem to climb up on. What Truck would do with their elevation during the show, however, was anybody's guess. The abominable snowman-woman sound engineer had a flair for the unexpected. The posher the audience the more her funny-bone tickled and the Grand Galactica ballroom was somewhere close to the poshest place the Blonde Plutoz had played.
   The risk for inexplicable podium rises and lowerings was substantial.

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