Wednesday 8 April 2015

GALAXY TOUR ADVENTURES - "The Grand Residency" - 26

The team leader stared at Zana with robotic contempt.
   "You have thirty-seven seconds," he said and swivelled to leave.
   "Wait, please," Rivqua said. "I'm curious. What's holding it in place? Locked tractor beams running through the floodlights?"
   The droid turned back with a hiss of air pressure, like an irritated sigh.
   "If you absolutely must know, it is held aloft by means of a simple steel pillar! Not counting for the initial problem of gravity itself, tractor beams wouldn't hold for the winds we get out here. We do have a light-bending envelope around the pillar, which is why you can't see it. Now, if you would be so kind as to place your order for your own edible and nutritious flying saucer at this time we would be grateful. You have thirty-seven seconds."
   "That's my sister for you," Zana informed in a mock whisper. "Always asking the exotic technical questions."
   Rivqua had a thoughtful look going.
   "Light-bending envelope, eh? Artificial invisibility. What do you think, Zana? Truck would be into that. She'd wrap one around each of the Bandroids."
   "I must insist upon expediency," said the team leader, exasperation heating up. "Please place your prompt order with Number Three here, who is currently standing by and willing to receive it, and you will be served in thirty-seven seconds or less."
   "I'm your happy saucer-burger bot boy, ready to take your order!" agreed the radiant robot kid.
   "Cease this nonsense!" shouted Number One at him. "Adhere to protocol!"
   "Yes, Number One. But look! A line is forming! My figures are sure to pick up!"
   From behind the Blonde Plutoz came a loud crackling rumble of a voice.
   "Yeah, hows 'bout makin' de order aw-ready!? Dere's a line formin' back 'ere!"

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