Monday 27 April 2015

GALAXY TOUR ADVENTURES - "The Grand Residency" - 34

Someone shouted their name.
   "There goes our cover," said Rivqua, walking on. Zana chanced a look back over her shoulder. A couple of small males jumped and waved, straining at the leashes held by their huge females.
   "Blonde Plutoz!" one of them shouted. "We're coming to see you later!" The other one just howled to the skies like the half-beast that he was.
   "You're welcome!" Zana returned, adding quietly, "I think."
   A ripple of interest in the two artists swept through the nearby crowd, but it seemed to fade behind them as they hurried on.
   "Weird town," Rivqua said.
   "We've played some weird worlds, but this place has a tough atmosphere."
   "It's a melting pot. So many different species, different cultures, values, ways of doing things, they all come crashing down here, everyone set on cramming in a good time. It's a miracle the place keeps together."
   "The town's job is to keep everyone in as good a mood as possible for as long as possible."
   "That's the service everyone's paying for."
   "And we're a part of the peace-keeping good-mood force."
   "Part of the dream."
   "Listen to us, Rivvie, we're getting philosophical on our opening night."
   "We're philosophical every night. At some point. But this is special, I'll say that."
   The Grand Galactica front court was busy. Coaches rolling up, tourists coming and going. Limos and exclusive vehicles, one after the other. A busy porter saw the girls. He set down the suitcase and hurried toward them, pretty much shouting at them to take the staff entrance round the corner and head up to control immediately.
   "Okay, no problem," Zana replied. "We need a word with Hoot Gaas. Is he in the control room?"
   "That's just it, he's gone missing! Nobody's seen him. They're in crap state up there."

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