Wednesday 22 April 2015

GALAXY TOUR ADVENTURES - "The Grand Residency" - 32

Time and opportunity were not to be wasted. The Blonde Plutoz picked the first best thing on the animated menu. A complete saucer meal. Looked pretty good from all angles. They ordered extra vegetables.
   "To go," informed Rivqua and watched the nimble robot fingers rattle over the keys. A comforting sight, she realized. A bit of analogue action amid all the technology.
   A short while later, two loaded paper bags sailed in from the kitchen, carried by a flying saucer drone that was modelled after the one on the roof.
   "Thirty-four and a half seconds, Number one!" shouted Number Three with obvious pride.
   "Refrain from speaking!" returned Number One from somewhere far back in the kitchen.
   The girls grabbed the bags and turned to the Ughurzoids.
   "Thank you very much, fellas. We look forward to seeing you anytime within the next eight weeks for our show. And anytime after that you can go do your debt-collecting. Bear in mind, the longer you wait, the greater the interest. Think good and long about that."
   The Ughurzoid displayed a grin. Couldn't have been anything else.
   "We'll see you at de Grand," was his cool reply, like a tough interrogator affording mild courtesy to suspects he's just twisted useful info out of.
   Rivqua and Zana came out through the doors and headed back down the boulevard. The desert air was still warm. Traffic had increased and the pavement was crowding up with nightlifers.
   They looked in their bags. Zana found something that looked crunchy. It was, and it tasted good. She said between bites, "If I'm not mistaken, I think we just said something that might cause a bad thing to happen."

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