Monday 20 April 2015

GALAXY TOUR ADVENTURES - "The Grand Residency" - 31

Rivqua explained. "If you wait another eight weeks, you can add interest. To your losses. Now that is something to think about."
   The Ughurzoids looked at each other.
   "Hey, dat's maddymatically smart!" one said.
   They looked back at the two girls.
   "You mean," began their leader. "Wha' you're sayin' is, de ting I oughta do is, I oughta wait wid wreckin' de Grand casino? 'Cause if I do, I can get back de money I lost, plus de extra money I lost, talkin' theory-tickally, on accoun' of de, whatcha call it, innerest?"
   Rivqua nodded. "You're on fire now, my friend."
   The big insectoid savoured this idea for a moment. His sideways-going mouth clicked as he ran figures through his mind.
   Looking back at Rivqua and Zana he said, "For a cuppla goirls of de most hideous race, you two ain't widout hope. Brainy-wise I mean. Gotta hand it to you. I'll be handin' it to myself after I rip my innerest outta de Grand." A chuckle with his buddies at this witty score.
   He carried on, "But for now, raht 'ere, let us buy you goirls dinner. Consider it like one o' dem tokens of poirsonal 'preciation, for dat dere li'l binniss tip. Go 'head, order anytin' you want."
   This went better than expected. Rivqua and Zana exchanged surprised glances, saluted their thanks for the offer and turned to the counter.
   The smile was fixed and bright. "I'm your happy saucer-burger bot boy! I am ready to take your order!"
   From back in the kitchen somewhere, sounding as if his head was inside a confined space, such as an oven, came a loud shout, "You will respond according to protocol! Do you understand!" Metal banged. Followed by an angry beep, like a yell of pain.

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