Wednesday 15 April 2015

GALAXY TOUR ADVENTURES - "The Grand Residency" - 29

   "Details, sqoirt, we need details!" the second one blurted out. "What time, who's on, open bar an' so on an' so fort, et cettra an' likewise! An' don't try no wise guy stuff- wise goirl stuff. Jus' don' try nothin' 'kay?"
   "Shuddup! I'm doin' de talkin' 'ere!" shouted the first one out of the side of his mouth. "So dis new show you talkin' 'bout. De one tonite. Who's de act?"
   Zana and Rivqua exchanged knowing looks in a tease.
   "You ain't gonna believe this, doc," said Rivqua, adjusting her hair. "But you're looking at the act." Arms around each other's shoulders the girls offered a dignified bow.
   The Ughurzoids stared, their hitherto popping synapses drawing a blank thud.
   "Give them a couple of seconds," Zana said to Rivqua.  
   By now Number One droid had left the counter and moved around in the kitchen, wiping steel surfaces, smacking them angrily with his rag while murmuring that the whole place might as well collapse since all known forces clearly conspired against his running a saucer-burger establishment efficiently. After all, just look at what happened to Saucy Belle X3 up on the roof. Should have suspected something already then, he was saying. In the end it's all our's destiny.
   The Ughurzoid finally spoke.
   "How do you figure we're lookin' at de act?"
   "Because we're the Blonde Plutoz!" Rivqua replied. "And we're opening tonight at the Grand Galactica! Got an eight week run!"
   "Come on, you must've seen the flyers!" Zana added when he didn't say anything. "They're all over town! Pretty much."
   The big insectoid took another couple of seconds. He turned to his buddies.
   "De Grand owes me money."

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