Monday 13 April 2015

GALAXY TOUR ADVENTURES - "The Grand Residency" - 28

   "Huh? Tickets for what?" The Ughurzoids looked at each other.
   "We missed a dino-rodeo or somethin'?" said one.
   "Nah, she's talkin' 'bout de stock-craft races in Toss Ovals," said another.
   "Dat was last week!"
   "It was? Woah, was I out of it or what?"
   "You was."
   "Shuddup and let me tink!" said the first. "What did we miss?"
   "You don't hafta tink! Jus' ask de goirl."
   "What goirl?"
   "Dat one dere!" A bristly claw pointed at Rivqua.
   She smiled them all a good one. The first Ughurzoid leaned in close, his head twitching this way and that as he studied her face.
   "You know 'bout some tickets, huh?" he hissed like he'd just cornered a back alley snitch. "An' jus' wha' kinda tickets we talkin' 'bout 'ere?"
   Zana drew closer to Rivqua. Safety in numbers. They could see both their reflections in his large bulbous eyes.
   "This is better than the mirror in the hotel bathroom," Zana mumbled, taking the opportunity to wipe mascara fragments from under her eyes.
   "I'm pleased to tell you, doc," Rivqua said, unmoved by his in-their-face force. "They're for a new show."
   He backed off a tiny bit. The big globe eyes studied her.
   "You on de flatlands wid me 'ere? New show?"
   "Yessireebob. Totally on the level, guv'nor. Starts tonight in fact." She glanced at her bracelet timepiece.
   "No kiddin'? Starts tonite? Dis nite we got raht 'ere?"
   Rivqua nodded like a game show host. "Youbetcha!"

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