Wednesday 1 April 2015

GALAXY TOUR ADVENTURES - "The Grand Residency" - 23

Zana and Rivqua looked at each other. They had come across some crazy suggestions around the galaxy but this took the cake to a compromising peak.
   "No sir, we can't do that," Rivqua said. "That would be completely dishonest."
   "It would be a total distortion of the truth," said Zana.
   "A humongous fabrication," Rivqua went on.
   "A disastrous invention," added Zana.
   "A cataclysmic non-truth," Rivqua established.
   "A rabbit out of a hat," confirmed Zana. "With teeth."
   "A flat-out lie, so flat-out it'll leave burn marks in our mind and soul," explained Rivqua.
   "And it's sure to land us in trouble with the police. Right, Rivvie?"
   "I'll say it will. Wouldn't you agree, detective?"
   Zana nudged Rivqua, "Hey, isn't there this thing called perjury too?"
   "There is, and it ain't good."
   Zana crossed her arms. "In short, sorry, but we can't help you there, detective inspector."
   Both the cop's heads stared at the two rock stars like they were trouble in the making. His hand drummed against the side of the door.
   "Foreigners," he muttered in disgust. "Alright. But don't you leave town now. Enjoy the evening. Watch your step. And have a good show. I'll be talkin' to you."
   Under the hovering police vehicle the cushion of shimmering blue light brightened and the craft accelerated up the boulevard.

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