Friday 6 March 2015

GALAXY TOUR ADVENTURES - "The Grand Residency" - 12

Rivqua cleared her throat.
   "No, um, it's all just fine. Just, um, glad to be here and, you know, taking it all in. Getting ready to setup now. This really is a lovely room."
   "Haha! You noticed, eh? Yes, the architect was the famous cubic-brained Style Muncher. Took considerable inspiration from the pseudo-classical neo-Mofftillian era. That's all the funny bits you see sticking ut everywhere. The finest showroom in all of Toss Vague-Ass in my opinion."
   Hoot Gaas took a quick admiring look around. Zana gave Rivqua a stunned glance, moving her mouth, "He doesn't know!"
   Rivqua nodded with a finger to her lips.
   On the stage a flightcase rumbled across the floorboards. Truck, wearing a huge tool belt now, opened it and pressed a button inside the lid.
   "Get up will you," she said and moved on.
   "I'll let you show people get on with it," said Gaas, smiling at the girls. "The happy hour crowd will be in dropping in shortly, I must get the floor ready. The happier the better, eh what? Haha!"
   A cell phone signal went off.
   "Ah, that'll be control now," said Gaas, reaching into the mass of feathers covering his plump body. He answered his phone and waddled toward the doors.
   Keebo sat up in the flightcase. He scanned the place as he waited to come online. All of a sudden there was a scream. It was Hoot Gaas who threw himself on the floor, only to bounce right up again in a flurry of feathers.
   "No!" he yelled into the phone. "It cannot be!"

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