Wednesday 4 March 2015

GALAXY TOUR ADVENTURES - "The Grand Residency" - 11

A side door opened and the alien stepped into the ballroom. He had large close-set eyes and a small beak. Looked like an owl. He waddled closer, waving with excitement.
   "The Blown Kudos! My, this is such a thrill!"
   From the stage Truck was about to shout a strong correction.
   "Aw, what's the use," she said with a gesture and carried on.
   Zana and Rivqua looked at each other.
   "Dear ladies!" The feather-clad alien came up, out of breath. "Ooh! Don't know which is worse, coming down or going up. Well! Haha! My my, it's an absolute pleasure to meet you lovely creatures. I'm Hoot Gaas, the hofo here at the Grand Galactica."
   "Nice to meet you, Mister Gaas," Rivqua said. "And it's 'Blonde Plutoz'."
   "But of course it is! Haha! Guilty as charged. Names, you know. Truth is, I'm more of a numbers man."
   "What's a hofo?" Zana asked.
   "Head of Floor Operations. Which simply means I run the casino and also keep an eye on the entertainment in this wonderful ballroom. It's off-season now but still, keep the guests happy and the jackpots few, that's our jobs, eh what? Haha! How was your trip? Seen your room yet? Seen Mister Bing? What did he say? No nasty surprises I hope? Nothing silly in the fine print?"

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