Monday 30 March 2015

GALAXY TOUR ADVENTURES - "The Grand Residency" - 22

Zana and Rivqua spun around and were hit by a blinding spotlight beam.
   "You two!" a voice demanded though a loud hailer. "What are you doing?"
   Rivqua shielded her eyes. "I'm sorry, what?"
   "We're kind of walking along the road!" Zana said.
   "I can see that! Any ideas about trying to leave town?"
   "No. Why would we want to leave? Who's asking?"
   The voice did seem familiar somehow.
   "Yeah, who wants to know?" Rivqua asked.
   The light went out and with it the attitude.
   "Nah, what's the use," the voice said. The ring of resignation was instantly recognizable. Rivqua and Zana took a moment to blink out the red blobs wandering over their eyeballs.
   "Detective inspector," said Rivqua, making contact. "Good evening. Out patrolling I see. In reply to your question, we're just taking a walk down the street here, catching the Vague-Ass vibe, getting some air and a bite before tonight's show. If that's okay."
   The detective sat in a gleaming cruiser, his arm out the window. One head was doing the driving and the other was doing the boredom. He made a dismissive gesture.
   "How's the case going?" Zana said.
   Another flick of the wrist. He could care less really.
   "Look," he started after a big sigh. "Is there any way you guys might consider altering your statement? Like say, you actually saw someone murder Mister Bing and leave in a hurry? I'll match your description to any one of the perps we got in the slammer, and that way we can be done with the whole thing? And I'll free up some sorely needed space at the same time?"

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