Monday 23 March 2015

GALAXY TOUR ADVENTURES - "The Grand Residency" - 19

   "Planet of the Furballs," said the tallest one. "That's what they call it in the quadrant, but it's properly called Mega-Furries XL!"
   "I understand," Rivqua said. "Who publishes the mag?"
   "We do!" the tiny one replied.
   "I beg your pardon?"
   "Sure! And we know Blonde Plutoz stuff! We got the research down, y'all!" She flung out her paw and pointed in street legal rapper style.
   Zana and Rivqua were impressed. They quite loved this unexpected booster.
   "So, how big's your readership?"
   The middle one tapped her chin and thought for a second, recalling editorial stats.
   "Let me see, for the print edition, there's us three. Then there's around fifteen or so for the weekly oral tradition campfire edition. On top of that, there's the subscriber base for the digital edition which, as of this morning, passed fifteen million."
   The Blonde Plutoz' jaws dropped.
   "Extended family!" the tiny one explained proudly. "You wait and see, this time next year we'll be twice as many!"
   "Fluppy, Flippy and Floppy! Come here at once!"
   It was a furry matriarch who spoke. Her powerful voice cut through the din of the crowd that had started to push through the doors. "We have to check in and it will make a whole lot more sense to the hotel people if you're there too!"

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