Friday 20 March 2015

GALAXY TOUR ADVENTURES - "The Grand Residency" - 18

Zana and Rivqua turned and saw three alien girls hurry towards them.
   "Wow!" the trio of youngsters gushed, bouncing up and down, their big ears flopping about.
   The tallest one exclaimed, "The Blonde Plutoz! You're the only reason we're here! Our parents and our crazy aunts and uncles think we like Toss Vague-Ass and love playing stupid slot machines and adore feeding the dinosaurs in the floating zoo!"
   "But we don't!" said the smallest. "Slot machines are thick in the head and dinosaurs are smelly! We agreed to come just so we could see your show!"
   "And we happen to know you're going to be here eight weeks!" said the middle one like she'd beaten the government to a secret.
   "Yeah!" cried the little one. And went on with a disappointed face, "But we're only here over the weekend," and blew a splashy raspberry.
   Bewildered, the two stars started signing the bundle of writing pads, flyers, caps, hats and sleeves the girls attacked them with. Zana had to laugh.
   "How do you know we're here eight weeks?"
   "We read about it in the Blonde Plutoz Fan Mag!"
   "A fan mag? There's a fan mag where you're from?"
   "Yeah!" they all shouted.
   "Our turn to say wow," Zana said, pen flying.
   Rivqua was intrigued.
   "So, where are you all from?"

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