Wednesday 11 March 2015

GALAXY TOUR ADVENTURES - "The Grand Residency" - 14

Gaas's eyes widened further. He let out a screeching hoot and threw himself on the floor once more, rebounded like a ball and stood there with feet apart, pointing at the girls, feathers floating down around him.
   "You were there!?" he shouted, quaking with rage. "You were present!? Am I also to assume that you are the ones who made him dead-!?"
   "No!" the Blonde Plutoz cried. "No-no!"
   Rivqua came forward one step. "You misunderstand! Listen, he was already dead when we arrived! His secretary phoned the police and they came right away. I'm sorry, Mister Gaas, we should have said something."
   On the stage Keebo had stepped out of his flightcase. He stood listening with interest as his bulky body seemed to come apart, transforming into a glittering array of keyboards, leaving only a spindly skeleton in the middle.
   By the side door Hoot Gaas lowered his arm and shook his head with a moan, his large moist eyes sinking to the floor.
   "The Grand is struck with tragedy. Words fail me."
   "What caused his demise?" Keebo asked.
   "Death did, what do you think?" Metro said cheerfully, atop the elevated platform. He was going through a similar metamorphosis, transforming into a huge electronic drumkit. Small servos whined as pads unfolded.
   "Why don't yous two shuddup," Truck snapped between clenched teeth. She was setting up Zana's guitar stack. "Mouthing off in all the wrong places is all yous two do."

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