Monday 23 February 2015

GALAXY TOUR ADVENTURES - "The Grand Residency" - 7

   "I think she meant gambling chips, Zan."
   "Ah. Too bad. Okay, want to go dent the bank after we set up?"
   "Casinos are ingeniously designed to be undentable. If we get into that, they'll only dent us, guaranteed. But it would be fun see the sights."
   "Of others getting dented, you mean."
   "That too."
   The girls picked up their room keys and found their room on the twelfth floor of the Grand Galactica hotel. About halfway down from the penthouse office suites and the gruesome scene they'd left.
   "Hi Sir Morris!" Zana flung herself down on the big bed, mobile phone on speaker. Rivqua swung her suitcase onto the other bed and started unpacking.
   "You want the good news or the bad news?" Zana went on.
   On the other end their business manager cleared his throat.
   "From you girls that's a rhetorical question. I think I'll start with the good news. But give me a chance to sit down first. There, seated and secure. Fire away."
   "The good news is we've arrived in one piece. The Star Bucket held together."
   "What a relief," Sir Morris said, genuinely relieved. "I was worried whether the Star Bucket would make it, with all the technical issues going on. The Toss Vague-Ass spaceport has good facilities so when your first paycheck comes through you put the ship in. Got that? Repair ship first, go shopping second, do you understand?"

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