Friday 20 February 2015

GALAXY TOUR ADVENTURES - "The Grand Residency" - 6

   "And I want a full examination of his stomach contents."
   "Oh come on!" the coroner wailed and threw out his arms. "That's disgusting! Must I? I mean, really?"
   "Yes!" the detective said. He turned to the girls and drew a circle in the air in front of them. "I might want to speak to you two later so stay in town!"
   "We'll be here, Inspector," said Rivqua with a wink. "We have a show to do, remember?"
   The detective left without another word. The medical examiner muttered to himself as he carefully scooped up a tiny amount of blood and put it in a small container.
   Zana turned to the secretary. "We do have a show to do, don't we? Even after this- I mean, we're still on, right?"
   "Yes, business must continue as usual," replied the robot. "The show goes on as booked."
   The secretary walked out of the office with heavy squeaky steps. She was an older model of corporate office bot and found these sad events quite incomputable to her laboured artificial mind.
   Rivqua looked at Zana.
   "We'd better call Sir Morris, fill him in. He'll want to know."
   Zana nodded. "Oh Miss!" she called out, going after the droid. "Would it be okay if we got our room now? We'd like to unpack and freshen up, get our heads together."
   "Of course," the secretary said softly. "The reception has your keycards ready, along with vouchers and complimentary chips."
   The Blonde Plutoz headed to the elevator.
   "Complimentary chips?" Zana said. "That's nice, I'm actually a bit hungry."

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