Saturday 9 August 2014

GALAXY TOUR ADVENTURE - Awesome Pawsome - Part 2


Part 2

   'Whoosh-tsst-bzzt-oooshhh.' The heavy door stopped and started as it slid open, glitching like crazy. It really didn't want to be a door today.
   "Someone ought to call for an electrician," Zana said. "This one's had it."
   The Blonde Plutoz stepped out of the airlock section and into the Moleculus Research Station. Their heels clicked on the polished floor. They walked straight toward an anxious old man in a white coat and strange-looking glasses who hurried to meet them.
   He threw up his arms in huge relief.
   "At last! The rescue team is here!" 
   "We're here on our night off," said Rivqua, hands on her hips and looking down on the man. He was a short fellow. "So this better be good!"
   "I tell you, it is terrible! Moleculus is under siege! My name is Doctor Baphlozz. Thank the vaporized nebulae you're here! We need your help desperately. You would not believe what has happened! We-"
   Doctor Baphlozz stopped and stared at the two girls a moment, panic returning.
   "You don't look like an official rescue team! That's a- that's a guitar on your back!"
   "We're musicians, so what?" said Zana, running her fingers through her hair and shaking it out. "Looking around, seems like we're the only ones who heard you distress call."
   Saying this, she and Rivqua took a look around. And they went quiet. Their jaws dropped.
   It was a scene of destruction. Walls had fresh dents in them. Damaged ceiling panels hung down like torn cards. Windows were broken. Smashed electronics sparked and frizzled. Furniture and equipment lay in shreds all over the reception area. Down one corridor a robot was putting out a fire with an extinguisher. He was slipping and sliding on the foam, spraying everywhere but on the flames.
   The whole place looked like an earthquake had struck.
   "Okay," said Zana. "I think we get that you have an emergency going on around here-"
   Before anyone could say anymore, an angry roar echoed through the station.
   Rivqua felt a cold chill take the express train down her spine.
   "Is that the giant beast thing?" she asked.
   "Yes it is!" Baphlozz cried, mopping his forehead. "Come with me, I'll show you. See if you can help. I hope you can do something!"
   He hurried off and the girls followed.
   "Perhaps play a calming lullaby?" Zana said out of the corner of her mouth. Rivqua nodded but wasn't at all sure.
   They walked for what seemed like a full minute through a maze of wrecked corridors. Doctor Baphlozz led them down flights of stairs, through doors that no longer hung on their hinges. He pushed fallen debris out of the way, begging the girls to step carefully and please mind sharp edges.
   All the while he wrung his hands in despair. With a heartbroken voice he pointed out the various research departments and what they did.
   Or what they used to do until disaster hit.
   Finally they came to a control room. Through a large doorway was a vast hall. Across the doorway lay thick metal bars, buzzing with electrical current.
   "The testing hall is under lockdown," Baphlozz explained, "so mind those bars. They're electrified."
   Loud growls thundered through the air again, shaking the walls. Whatever it was making the monstrous noises it was huge, it was angry, and it was close by.
   Doctor Baphlozz blew his nose and wiped his eyes.
   "See for yourselves," he said hopelessly and gestured for the girls to step to the doorway for a look at the cause of all the catastrophic destruction.
   They did. And if Zana's and Rivqua's jaws had dropped before, they now hit shock bottom with a smack. Their hearts froze and their brains went out to lunch. Because in the large hall, right before their eyes, was the most incredible thing they had ever seen.

Stay tuned for Part 3 of the "Awesome Pawsome" adventure...

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