Friday 15 August 2014

GALAXY TOUR ADVENTURE - Awesome Pawsome - Part 5


Part 5

It may be hard to believe, but the sound made by a guitar god - or goddess - on their instrument is known and appreciated universally, across the galaxy.
   And right now this sound was filling the large testing hall on the basement level of Research Station Moleculus. It was flashy, inspiring, evocative. And absurdly loud.
   Thing to remember is that, at the exact same time, rushing across the testing hall toward the source of the sound, came three tonnes of fur, claws and teeth aiming for a bit of destructive fun.
     At the very last moment, when the previous attempts had failed, the power shield in the doorway hadn't engaged, everybody had panicked and Rivqua screamed for Zana to pull it out of the hat before they were all ripped to shreds - the guitar goddess did just that.
   In the space of two seconds Zana went nuts and brought out her entire arsenal. Thrashing, bending, tapping, trilling, squealing. The big chamber reverberated with the wild eruption of seriously amped-up six-string.
   Doctor Baphlozz's mental sketchpad theory seemed to be working. Something was happening at last. Lightning flashes began to fill the testing hall, bouncing off every wall like atmospherically charged squash balls. The air was laced with a sharp smell of ozon and, oddly enough, cheese omelette.
   Up until the very last fraction of a second, Kitty's mighty roar seemed to ring with all the more death.
   Then the baffling thing happened.
   A blinding glow of violet light appeared in the large chamber. It seemed to swell and flow in waves, centering around the giant kitten, streaming toward it, becoming a whirlpool around the creature. It spun faster and faster, shrinking as it did, and reducing Kitty along with it.
   It was all over in seconds. And there, on the floor, looking very small and harmless, sat Kitty.
   'Meow,' he said. He looked around, took a few steps in a circle and sat down again. Yessiree, something weird is definitely up around here, he seemed to be saying to himself.
   "Wow!" said Rivqua. "He shrunk! He really shrunk!"
   Doctor Baphlozz jumped up to the doorway for a look. He slapped his hands onto his chest.
   "By the great bright suns! You did it! We did-! It worked! He's back to his normal size!"
   Zana unhooked her guitar.
   "Told you it works on all life forms."
   Baphlozz picked up the kitten and held it up high like a little treasure, then pressed it close to his neck. 'Meow,' the kitten said and pawed at his master's grey curls, upsetting his glasses. He set them straight again.
   "Why you two rock star-type people, you have saved my research station! Who are you? What do I call you?"
   Rivqua smiled and stroked Kitty.
   "We are the Blonde Plutoz."

Two hours later, and one sensational dinner later, Zana and Rivqua were back on the Star Bucket, zooming along at point five megawarps towards wherever tomorrow night's gig was going to be.
   Zana leaned back in her big comfy seat and patted her stomach.
   "Well I'm glad we got that sorted out. Now let's enjoy our evening off. Switch off the radio, sis. I want no more surprises."
   "Doctor Baphlozz, what a dear sweet old man," said Rivqua. "He made the right choice in the end. It broke his heart, but it was right."
   "Yeah, who knows what would've happened next," Zana said, then looked down and bent her voice, "And you just love a bit of crazy rock guitar don't you?"
    'Meow,' said Kitty, stopping and looking up at her. He wasn't ready to jump up on her lap yet. There was way too much exploring of the new place to do first.
   Rivqua laughed.
   "Question is, now we got him, what do we do with him?"
   "I know!" said Zana. "Let's teach him to dance!"
   'Meow,' said Kitty and hurried off to a window. He pressed a paw to the glass. Just look at all the fireflies whizzing by!

Stay tuned for more Galaxy Tour Adventures!

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