Wednesday 13 August 2014

GALAXY TOUR ADVENTURE - Awesome Pawsome - Part 4


Part 4

   "I beg your pardon!?" Doctor Baphlozz cried. "Are you saying you will- is that all you- is that your proposed idea to solve this monumental crisis!?"
   He stared at Zana and Rivqua like they were two rock stars and therefore insane.
   "Yup," said Rivqua calmly. "Zana here is going to play some electric guitar at full blast into the large chamber. It will shake the whole place and give everybody present a pair of nicely ringing ears."
   "What will it do to the giant kitten!?" demanded Baphlozz.
   "I have absolutely no idea," said Rivqua.
   "But we have it on established record that the sound has a profound effect on all known life forms throughout the galaxy," said Zana, unbuckling the guitar on her back.
   "Profound effect!?" the doctor shouted. "You're mad!"
   "We'll take that as a compliment," Rivqua said. "Zana, ready?"
   "In a second."
   "You know, Doctor Baphlozz," Rivqua went on. "You should to a frequency analysis of it sometime, figure it out scientifically."
   The little scientist looked at her with narrowed eyes. Then he turned his head, gazing off somewhere far, his mind spinning on an entirely new angle all of a sudden.
   "By the gravities..." he said, eyes flicking about behind his odd glasses. He was onto something. His highly developed brain was putting the details of a radical new theory in order so he could grasp it in its full, outlandish perfection. That is to say, make the first bit of sense of it.
   Zana whispered to Rivqua. "You've done it now, Riv. He's losing his marbles, look at him."
   "You just said something!" Baphlozz hollered with a small leap. He spun around, flexing his fingers like he couldn't wait to start pushing buttons.
   "Indeed, with real-time analysis of the spectral wave-form in peak vibration," Baphlozz shouted, already at the controls, working the new settings, "the synchronous effect could reflect the beam's cosmic envelope in three dimensions, filling the entire chamber with an extended pulse of high-polarity demagnification!"
   The Blonde Plutoz looked at the little man in the white coat.
   "He's not talking about rock 'n' roll is he?" said Zana.
   Rivqua shook her head vaguely.
   "No, he's going to create some sort of a hall-of-mirrors effect, I think. Wherever the kitten is, it'll get hit by a reflection.
   "That's exactly right!" said Baphlozz, throwing a glance back at them. "Kitty won't escape the beam now! It will fill the room! Are you ready?"
   Zana twisted to the knobs on her portable backpack mega-amp.
   "Sure. Drop the power shield!"
   Baphlozz pulled a lever. An immense sinking noise appeared, like a mechanical symphony orchestra when the batteries die on it. The steel bars in the doorway stopped humming and the shimmering power field vanished.
   "Here we go..." said Zana. Standing feet apart she ran her pick over the strings, 'Kerraanngg!'. The power chord crunched out like an explosion and rocked the entire facility. Doctor Baphlozz had his hands pressed to his ears, his face looking like he'd eaten a lemon.
   As the chord rang out, Rivqua took a peak into the big chamber. The giant kitten sat on its hind legs. The arm of robot number seven lay in front of it, like a splayed twig.
   Kitty looked around, wondering where the curious blast of noise came from. It's tail whipped through the airspace. A rumble rolled out of its throat. Could have been the cosy purr of a three-tonne cat, but Rivqua wasn't sure.
   "Okay, nothing's happening," she said.
   "I get it, growing up on a research station hasn't exposed him to real culture," Zana said. "Watch out, I'll nail him good and proper this time."
   Zana let rip once more. Rivqua's clothes flapped in the blast of moving air and papers fluttered like leaves in autumn. Plaster dropped from the control room ceiling. A nearby cupboard collapsed.
   Zana couldn't understand it.
   The chord rang out and all that happened was Kitty giving off a rumbling purr. Like thunder on a stormy horizon, only it was up close.
   "How can it not be working!?" she cried.
   "I must have miscalculated!" said Baphlozz, checking his settings again.
   "Oops, he's seen us now!" Rivqua shouted. "And he's coming this way! Quick, get the shield up!"
   She leaped from the doorway. The doctor pulled at the control lever.
   Nothing happened.
   Kitty came bouncing over the testing hall floor. Heading for the doorway. The roar was no longer a purr. It was a monster's hideous growl. It was playtime - with the funny little two-legged moving things!
   Rivqua screamed, "Raise the shield!"
   Baphlozz worked the lever furiously.
   "I can't! It's jammed! It won't activate! The circuits are damaged!"
   The growl was getting closer. Sounding angrier. The four tea tray-sized paws approached fast. Each thump shook the control room.

Stay tuned for Part 5 of the "Awesome Pawsome" adventure...

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