Monday 11 August 2014

GALAXY TOUR ADVENTURE - Awesome Pawsome - Part 3


Part 3

   It was all the Blonde Plutoz could say. "Wow!"
   After a few seconds of staring and gaping the two girls began to see what they were looking at. 
   "It's- it's a kitten!?" Zana blurted out. "A massively enormous kitten!?"
   "Is that really what it is, Doctor?" asked Rivqua.
   "Yes! Correct! It is a kitten!" Doctor Baphlozz wailed. "It's my dear little Kitty, turned into a colossal monster!"
   "What happened?"
   "It accidentally walked into a high-polarity magnifier ray, generated by that machine over there. And within two hours it had grown into that! He must weigh three tonnes now!"
   The furry beast let out a roar and things rattled in the control room. Perhaps it was just the 'meow' of a super-magnified kitten. Zana couldn't tell.
   "Are we safe back here?" she wondered.
   "Yes. These steel bars will only tickle him, so they are for us. The magnification process no doubt scared him because he ran off and wreaked havoc all over the station, as you've seen. I thought we'd never get him back in here! An invisible power shield covers the doorway now. See the shimmering in the air? It can't get through that. But what if he knocks down a wall instead! He could if he decides to."
   "Maybe having a cat in a lab isn't such a good idea," said Rivqua.
   Doctor Baphlozz nodded and shrugged.
   "It's silly I suppose," he said, eyes lowered. "But I wanted a little cat. A little friend, for company while I work. It gets lonely sometimes. All the long nights of research and experiments. A cat is perfect. Doesn't disturb you with lots of talk. Doesn't crave endless attention. It's just there, alive, purry and content, and funny. Sometimes."
   "He's pretty content with having fun with your robots," said Zana. "They're all in pieces!"
   "Yes he's ruining everything!" Baphlozz cried out. "The dreadful creature! I only have droid number seven left!" He shouted into the hall. "Come on number seven! Lure him back into the ray! You can do it!"
   He turned to the girls, "I've reversed the magnifier ray, you see."
   The robot had a big number 7 on its back. It already had one arm ripped off. Snapped rods and wires dangled from the socket.
   It gestured with its other arm and spoke with a stiff robotic voice to the cat.
   "There's a good kitty -- follow me please --"
   "That's right!" Baphlozz cried. "Get him back into the beam!"
   "Here Kitty --" continued the robot, "Step into the ray beam -- it's positioned here -- kindly observe -- kss-kss-kss --"
   Rivqua wasn't convinced by this procedure.
   "I don't know. Kittens will be kittens..."
   The robot annoyed Kitty. Either that or he was amused. With a great roar Kitty jumped closer and swiped at the helpless droid. The kitten's paw was the size of a bedside table.
   The robot's last arm went spinning through the air. Kitty immediately gave chase and sunk his huge fangs into it.
   "There goes my other arm --" confirmed robot number seven and looked at Doctor Baphlozz for further instructions.
   The good doctor grabbed his head and cried bitterly.
   "It's no use! I am ruined! Twenty years of work destroyed by a super-magnified kitten! Please, I know you're just rock stars, but surely you can do something!?"
   Rivqua rubbed her chin and pulled a deep breath.
   "Well, on that vote of confidence, let's see..." she said, looking off into the distance and giving the situation some hard thought. "You know, I think I have an idea that's worth trying."
   "You do?" said Baphlozz.
   "Riv, are you thinking what I'm thinking?" said Zana, raising an eyebrow.
   Rivqua broke into one of her cool smiles. 
   "I believe I am."

Stay tuned for Part 4 of the "Awesome Pawsome" adventure...

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