Saturday 31 May 2014

Lotta Yap

As can be expected, the Blonde Plutoz’ absence is the subject of much debate back in Megatopia City. Check out this first part of an article series appearing in MCM Magazine, local date 5174.29 (turns out file transfer by wormhole linking works pretty well. Who’da guessed?):

   “HOPING KUDOS FOR PLUTOZ by Freshniz Nik.
   Why does a successful rock band opt to disappear? The reasons could be many. It has happened before. When an artist’s career is on a downward slide a desperate move is often called for. Such as faking death or abduction, or faking activism for a good cause. Even faking a fresh burst of talent. Agents and managers swear by this one.
   Going absent without warning or explanation is a popular trick. The subsequent public concern becomes an indicator of popularity and all-important brand value, and will determine at which point to return to the limelight, hopefully to hit the rising wave perfectly, or rescue the fading glow from completely extinguishing.
   But what if a desperate move is not called for? And what if you just never return? All factors point to this being the case with the Blonde Plutoz, and what makes their stunt so compelling. Is it a stunt? A very cool, orchestrated, boldest-of-all, leave-everyone-hanging departure from rock stardom?
   If so, why? They didn’t need a trick. They were going gangbusters. From the tried-and-true club route to bigger venues, the two female leads and their android bandroids kicked proverbials all the way up to become DJ-legit atop the Megatopia City airwaves. Speaking of legitimacy, how about political assignment as official cultural ambassadors, with the unique honour of combining their own music with cross-cultural bridge building between planets? The Blonde Plutoz were on a roll.
   While fans and the otherwise intrigued, including this critic, hold out hope for a satisfying – by which I mean highly entertaining – answer to the mystery of the Blonde Plutoz, one can't help but pose the question, why?
   Next week I'll offer some theories."

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